Monday 1 October 2012

Shake it up

To my surprise yesterday morning, I discovered my first broad beans of the season. Yay! Unfortunately there’s not much else in the garden but a few teeny tiny purple and white carrots and the odd flower from a herb or lettuce that’s bolted. 

Garden salad with chive, mint and coriander flower dressing.

Nobody needs a recipe for a garden salad (don’t want to insult anyone’s intelligence here). Simply toss together whatever you have in your garden, or like for most of us, probably the contents of your salad drawer, with joyful abundance and dress with this divine dressing.

If you don’t have coriander flowers, very likely, just add a few leaves of coriander. I actually just added them because they’re pretty, but they taste rather nice too! I’m not adding quantities for the herbs, it all depends on personal taste, but I like mine quite herby.

¼ cup best Olive oil
¼ cup red wine vinegar
heaped teaspoon of Dijon mustard
teeny pinch of sugar
salt and black pepper
mint, roughly chopped
chives, roughly chopped
few coriander flowers

Shake it all about, splash and toss! Enjoy.